Workshop Presentations
See details below.
Backyard Small Hive Small Cell Beekeeping
Services...The Small Bee Steward
Well, well, well....services. You know this labor of love has many facets, but the basics of my services are: Backyard Small Hive/Small Cell Beekeeping, Apiary Demonstrations, Honey Harvests, Workshop Presentations, Langstroth and Warre Hive & Nuc Sales. Naturally, there is some overlap among these services, but more of the specifics are detailed below.
Small Hive...
Small Cell
Backyard Small Hive...Small Cell Beekeeping...Warre hives are my domain. I do own larger sized Langstroth hives, and I do service this type of equipment. Also, over time I have converted my top-bar hives to full, open frames. Consider different possibilities. I have referenced some specifics on this page, but you may want to ask a question via the Contact page.
Workshop Presentations...Whether it's sitting in on a lecture or giving a presentation, continuing education is a joy for me! Having come from a long line of teachers from elementary school through college professors, and having served in the profession myself, I love the living classroom environment. So, should you be interested, please inquire via my Contact page. Thank you.
Apiary Demos, and Honey Harvests
Fun in the beeyard!
Yes, apiary demos are a different adventure for your church, service club, scout troop, or just grandkids! Fair weather, being outdoors, it's just a wonder-filled experience, lasting about one hour.
Honey harvests are the good kind of messy, sticky, and rewarding.
Warre Hive &
Nuc Sales
Populated Beehive & Nuc Sales....Beehives are constructed of all white pine, as are solid bottom boards, quilts, and candy boards, some painted in dark green exterior latex, to retain heat. Tops are dark red. Example above illustrates bare wood. All full, open frames are white pine. Contents are Apis Mellifera Ligustica, Italian Honey Bees.